Are you one of the women
disadvantaged by the changes to the state pension age?
of women in their sixties are affected by the Governments change of rules that mean
they will have to wait longer to receive their state pension. It is because the
government are bringing the retiring age of men and women to be equal but the
transition period is causing difficulties for many women.
In fact
it may surprise many but some of the worst effected of us can suffer losses of
anything between £30 – £40 thousand pounds and others will have about a five
year extension until they get their pension.
Difficult times
These are
indeed difficult times and I for one have been affected. Circumstances in my
private life were responsible for some of the difficulties I encountered. I had
to move house and out of the area where I was in a very secure job. This led me
seeking occupation in another area. After 100’s of applications it became
obvious that it was not my capabilities that were preventing me obtaining
employment, but it was perfectly obvious that it was my age. So I now found
myself without work and missing out on my earlier pension date by a matter of
days. Which now affected me over a period of years. It was then I realised that
any improvement in my financial state had to be done by myself.
My Remedy
employers would not entertain me I had to make use of my own capabilities.
Which I did by becoming involved in a Business where I became self-employed
relying upon my own capabilities.

I was
recruited into this business by chance. A friend introduced me and helped me to
become part of the team. Now my work has also become a place of pleasure and is
slowly decreasing the pain of the circumstances I found myself in.
Your Chance
opportunities are there for both Men & Women but I found myself with an
equal playing field with my Male counterparts. So much so that my Husband has
joined me and we now are looking for 7 new recruits to join our team with the
same opportunities and the means of training that was given to us. This is a
Genuine Offer and the start-up cost are easily affordable and the rewards are
entirely in our own hands.
I wish to
share my Change of Fortune with anyone who has a genuine desire for a better
lifestyle as I have found. Anyone who has any aspirations just ring. 0800 044 5875
and I wish them Good Health & Wealth and a Happy Relationship they will
find by being part of this organisation.
Please Share This, It Can Help So Many People
Remove the despair
Ring Free Now
0800 044 5875
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