Ladies - We have a secret weapon within our reach. Somewhere in the house most of us have an old fashioned Broom. Dig it out of the cupboard or the hut. Get your Driver and take them both into the garden. Sounds funny? Don't worry. This amazing tip for Lady Golfers give yards and power to your drive and tones the muscles of your waist and abdomen.

Now first take the Broom, hold it as you would a Golf club. You will find it feels heavier and longer than your Driver. Take a practice swing and the first thing you will notice, it stops you using your hands and makes you use your arms and your abdominal muscles. Swing the broom and listen till it goes Broooom. That's a good sound but you don't want to hear it at the top of your swing, you want to hear the Broooom at the bottom of your swing and follow through.
Do this 10-15 times or as many times as you feel comfortable with then try your Driver. You will find out how much the muscles of your waist and abdomen are now giving you extra power at impact with the lighter weight of the Driver.
Ladies - That's knowing your body. Power to all Lady Golfers and good luck to your success in "My Womens World"
Pass it on. This is Womans Power.
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