I Read the Startling Revelations of the Scottish Govenment, where more than 350 Scots a day are visiting GP Surgeries with signs of Malutrition, amid fears of Rising Death Toll caused by the Scots Notoriously Unhealthy Lifestyle.
I had previously seen the Blog below on one of my followers site. So I got permission to show it again. Scotland has some of the most healthy food in the world available to them I hope that by republishing this article it may help some people to regain a Healthy, Happy and Longer Life for themselves and their Families.
Bravado or Ridicule
Why do some people ridicule others who are attempting to improve their overall looks, figures, physical abilities and general health?
Is it bravado or is it bullying through a hidden jealousy. Not wanting to be seen as they really are pretending to be happy with their condition, but not strong enough to take action themselves. It is not their fault, some of the fast foods and prepared frozen foods contain additives that are addictive.
The law of attraction brings like minded people together they attract each without realizing it is taking place. It means that it works both ways. The bullies, and the can’t be bothered, stick together, sports people join groups and clubs, whilst singers join choirs etc. and it has a viral effect. The aim of the easy diet solution is to help people who want a happier longer lifestyle, one that makes them feel and look good because they are enjoying what they are doing.
A side effect of being happy is that people laugh more and are not afraid to show they are having fun, It is now known that a good laugh is good for ones health as well as lifting the spirits.
People wanting to feel and look better are not being vain or pushy; they are extending their lives by enjoying it.
Doctors, scientists and nutritionists are all admitting that as obesity is on the increase so is ill health. In the United States of America they are releasing reports on the addictive additives contained in some preserved and fast food items. This can be reduced by eating good healthy tasty food Why risk diabetes, heart problems which could be avoided by eating, not a diet, but good food.
By adopting an, I don’t care attitude and imposing that attitude on others is self destructive. Did this attitude arise from them trying something that did not work and they can’t see a way out, and now they are focused on a road to self destruction.
It is time to change, it is never too late. Any proper effort at this time will pay rewards in the short and long term. Success to improve the quality of life is not a bragging matter but it something to be proud and happy about.
Eating good and enjoyable food will be difficult for some due to the additive qualities of the food they eat which they are unaware. These harmful ingredients are added to prolong the life of the foods.
DO NOT SELF DESTRUCT. Some might believe it too hard to try or “been there got the tee shirt, it didn’t work”. WRONG it can work, ditch the bad habits mix with similar minded people and you can be on the road to success with a really good program, giving you a new longer enjoyable lifestyle, able to enjoy yourself in ways you have forgotten.
Most of us have been there, when you succeed, you will appreciate what you have been missing, it is a wonderful feeling. It’s a strange situation and has a very simple explanation which is easy to understand when it is revealed to you. Just by changing your taste buds and avoiding the pre-packed foods and fast food outlets. How can this be? Recent studies have revealed that many of the ingredients used in the preparation of these types of food are addictive, which is one of the reasons why within a short space of time our bodies are craving a desire to eat again. That’s it, it’s simple.
Follow a program and realize preserved foods are probably good for occasional snacking but not necessarily good for our health.
Eating well is not boring, it is interesting and tasty. Falling into the trap of easy quick prepared meals seems a good idea at the time but the long term effects are destructive.
Stan Reborn